Guizhou Huashi Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd. China
Manufacturer Dealer
Ceheng Glutinous Rice Banana
ugly bababa waxy sweet mountain banana
Alpine glutinous rice banana, grown in the mountainous area of ​​Guizhou, irrigated by mountain spring water, a gift from the mountains of Guizhou
山果帝:  丑蕉

Alpine glutinous rice bananas, grown in the mountainous area of ​​Guizhou, irrigated by mountain springs, a gift from the mountains of Guizhou from nature;

The unique climate of 25 degrees north latitude, the large temperature difference between day and night, the long growth period, the fruit harvesting takes 18 months, and the time gives birth to an excellent soft and glutinous taste;

Traditional farming and planting methods, natural management, original ecology, non-ripening, healthy and safe, dedicated to your simple mountain glutinous rice plantain;

I am not a fan of beauty. I grew up in the dangerous mountains and transported it on a horse on my shoulders. I only talk about the connotation and give you the original taste experience.

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